Chrome™ GuidedSMILE™ is a 4-guided system that allows you to offer chairside conversion without needing a technician chairside. It utilizes these four guides to lead you through a preplanned and predictable all-on-X surgery. This is an excellent option for all clinicians due to its straightforward method and easy integration. It is available for both edentulous and dentate cases. Most cases only need a CT scan and traditional records to get started.
Chrome™ GuidedSMILE™ uses a dentate or edentulous pin guide, fixation base, osteotomy guide, and nano-ceramic. The nano-ceramic is a provisional that has the implant abutment positions, anchor sites, tooth position, smile, and tissue space pre-set.
1. Pin Guide
Chrome GuidedSMILE™ is available with a dentate or edentulous pin guide. The dentate pin guide is fully seated on the patient’s existing dentition. Placement can be verified using two occlusal windows. Alternatively, the edentulous pin guide is a digital duplicate of the patient’s existing denture.
2. Fixation Base
The fixation base is used for bone reduction, which aids in anchoring the osteotomy guide and prosthetic. This guide floats above the bone and levels the bone to the labial and lingual frame of the guide.
3. Osteotomy Guide
The osteotomy guide allows for quick and accurate placement of implants before attaching the nano-ceramic provisional. Standard protocols are followed to drill sites and place implants.
4. Nano-Ceramic
The anchored nano-ceramic provisional is superior to conventional denture pick-up systems. It utilizes pre-set anchor sites, tooth position, smile, and tissue space.